Produits diététiques bio
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Safed Musli or Chlorophytum Borivilianum root powder is used in ayurvedic practice. It is also used in form of various ayurvedic formulations from which Musli Pak is the commonest. There are various health benefits of Safed Musli which is that it helps in reducing fatigue and provides strength to the body. Safed musli also helps in providing nourishment to the malnourished body. We are one of the largest supplier of Safed Musli in India.

Shilajit is a thick, sticky tar-like substance with a colour ranging from white to dark brown found predominately in Himalaya and Tibet mountains. Aryan International is one of the largest supplier of Shilajit extract in India. There are lot of health benefits of shilajit as listed below
1. Supports Fertility
2. Promotes Testosterone Levels Naturally
3. Enhances Performance
4. Protects the Heart
5. Supports Memory
6. Encourages healthy aging

L’ail noir est originaire d’Asie (Japon, Corée, Chine). Il est obtenu par fermentation de l’ail frais. Après la fermentation, il contient moins d’allicine, un composé responsable de la mauvaise digestion de l’ail chez certaines personnes. Il renferme plusieurs éléments : la S-allyl-mercaptocystéine, de l’allyl-cystéine, quelques composés organosulfurés liposolubles, des flavonoides et d’autres nutriments essentiels comme le sélénium.
Information : C’est de l’ail « normal » (ail blanc, que l’on trouve dans le commerce) qui a subi différentes fermentations (couple temps-température qui varie). Bi-fermentation des bulbes d’ail qui prend entre 2 à 3 mois.

ORGANIC INDIA's Organic Chyawanprash

We service big, small or startup companies and treat them the same. Because we believe in a partnership. Only when you work closely together you can get the best results.
We produce organic rice cakes for customers througout all of europe and to the rest of the world. You probably have seen one of our products around the shops.
Rice cakes are made by popping brown rice into a round mould. After the popping the rice cakes transported and packed together in a consumer unit of 100gr E.
Almost all our processes are automated which makes the products of the highest quality.